Viewing posts by christian
As a short addendum to this blog post, the code below plots a chart of the nuclides showing four types of isoline:
A quick update on this blog article with some extra cross sections and an additional plot of Maxwell-averaged reactivities. The processes covered are:
In his 1986 book, Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! physicist Richard Feynman writes:
Just a quick script to approximate a given target image from a large number of overlapping straight lines. The algorithm is rather inefficient: each line is added to several copies of the the approximation so far, and the best one chosen (ie the one that differs least, in a root mean square sense, from the target image). The following animation is built up, using a target image adapted from target-kitten.png
(credit: Kote Puerto).
Prompted by this tweet and campaign for icebergs to be depicted in their most stable equilibrium orientation, here is a Python script modelling the dynamics of a two-dimensional iceberg which starts in an arbitrary orientation and position and relaxes under gravitational and buoyant forces to its most stable configuration. A cork floats "on its side": with its longest axis parallel to the water's surface (it doesn't bob around with its longest axis vertical), and an iceberg does the same.