An Arepo (Latin Wordle) Solver


Arepo is a word-guessing game like Wordle, but in Latin. Therefore, the Wordle-solving script presented previously can be used to solve Arepo problems, but a list of five-letter Latin words is required.

The file latin-5-words.txt contains 15840 five-letter Latin words, obtained from the Latin Library project using the script and the script below:

import sys
import glob

alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
word_list = set()
filenames = glob.glob('*.txt')
for filename in filenames:
    with open(filename) as fi:
        text =
    words = text.split()
    for word in words:
        this_word = ''.join([c for c in word if c in alphabet])
        if len(this_word) == 5:

word_list = list(word_list)

with open('latin-5-words.txt', 'w') as fo:
    for word in word_list:
        print(word, file=fo)

A (slightly) modified version of the Wordle-solver script is given below. A typical run is:

Enter first letter of word: m
Try the word "morbo": =+=--
Try the word "maron": =-==-
Try the word "miros": =-===
Try the word "muros": =====
The word is muros, found in 4 attempts.

The main difference is that Arepo gives the player the first letter of the word to be found, whereas Wordle does not.

import sys
import random
from collections import defaultdict

FIRST_WORD = 'orate'

class Rule:
    def __init__(self, letter, i=None):
        self.letter, self.i = letter, i

class RuleMatch(Rule):
    code = '='
    def apply(self, words, matched_counts):
        words = [word for word in words if word[self.i] == self.letter]
        return words

class RuleContainsElsewhere(Rule):
    code = '+'
    def apply(self, words, matched_counts):
        # Only keep words which contain letter (not in position i, or else
        # it would be an exact match (= not +) and which don't contain the
        # letter more often than the number of counted matches.
        words = [word for word in words if self.letter in word
                    and word[self.i] != self.letter
                    and matched_counts[self.letter] <= word.count(self.letter)]
        return words

class RuleExcludedLetter(Rule):
    code = '-'
    def apply(self, words, matched_counts):
        _words = []
        for word in words:
            if not matched_counts[self.letter] and self.letter in word:
                # letter has not been matched anywhere in the word:
                # don't include any words which have this letter.
            if matched_counts[self.letter] > word.count(self.letter):
                # letter has been matched n times: we can't include
                # words that don't include it at least as many times.
        words = _words[:]
        return words

RuleCls = {'=': RuleMatch, '+': RuleContainsElsewhere, '-': RuleExcludedLetter}

class Wordle:
    def __init__(self, target_word=None, word_length=5):
        self.target_word = target_word
        self.word_length = word_length
        if target_word:
            self.word_length = len(target_word)

        self.wordlist_name = 'sowpods'
        # Uncomment the line below to use only the most common 5-letter words.
        #self.wordlist_name = 'common-5-words.txt'
        self.wordlist_name = 'latin-5-words.txt'

    def read_words(self):
        """Read in words of length word_length from our word list."""

        with open(self.wordlist_name) as fi:
            # NB the inclusion of the end-of-line character (which we
            # subsequently strip) increases the target word length by one.
            self.words = [word.strip() for word in fi
                                    if len(word) == self.word_length + 1]

    def assess_word(self, test_word):

        target = list(self.target_word)
        matched_counts = defaultdict(int)
        rules = [None] * self.word_length
        # Test test_word for the "exact match" and "excluded letter" rules.
        for i, letter in enumerate(test_word):
            if letter == target[i]:
                rules[i] = RuleMatch(letter, i)
                target[i] = '*'
                matched_counts[letter] += 1
            elif letter not in target:
                rules[i] = RuleExcludedLetter(letter, i)

        for i, letter in enumerate(test_word):
            if rules[i]:
            if letter in target:
                # NB exact matches have already been filtered out.
                rules[i] = RuleContainsElsewhere(letter, i)
                target[target.index(letter)] = '*'
                matched_counts[letter] += 1
                rules[i] = RuleExcludedLetter(letter, i)

        rule_str = ''.join(rule.code for rule in rules)
        return rules, matched_counts, rule_str

    def parse_rule_codes(self, rule_codes, test_word):
        rules = []
        matched_counts = defaultdict(int)
        for i, letter in enumerate(test_word):
            rules.append(RuleCls[rule_codes[i]](letter, i))
            if rule_codes[i] in '+=':
                matched_counts[letter] += 1
        return rules, matched_counts

    def apply_rules(self, rules, matched_counts):
        for rule in rules:
            self.words = rule.apply(self.words, matched_counts)

    def get_test_word(self):
        k = random.choice(range(len(self.words)))
        return self.words[k], k

    def get_rules_input(self, test_word):
        return input(f'Try the word "{test_word}": ')

    def interactive(self):
        j = 0
            FIRST_WORD = input('Enter first word: ')
            first_letter = input('Enter first letter of word: ').strip().lower()
            first_words = [word for word in self.words if word[0] == first_letter]
            FIRST_WORD = random.choice(first_words)
        init = FIRST_WORD, self.words.index(FIRST_WORD)
        while len(self.words) > 1:
            test_word, k = self.get_test_word() if j else init
            j += 1
            rule_codes = self.get_rules_input(test_word)
            rules, matched_counts = self.parse_rule_codes(rule_codes,test_word)
            self.apply_rules(rules, matched_counts)

            if len(self.words) == 0:
                sys.exit('I think you made a mistake: no words match this set'
                         ' of rules.')
            elif len(self.words) == 1:
            if test_word in self.words:
                del self.words[self.words.index(test_word)]
        print(f'The word is {self.words[0]}, found in {j} attempts.')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    wordle = Wordle()
Current rating: 3.9


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