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The one-dimensional diffusion equation

Consider a metal bar of cross-sectional area, A, initially at a uniform temperature, θ0, which is heated instantaneously at the exact centre by the addition of an amount of energy, H. The subsequent temperature of the bar (relative to θ0) as a function of time, t, and position, x is governed by the one-dimensional diffusion equation: θ(x,t)=HcpA1Dt14πexp(x24Dt), where cp and D are the metal's specific heat capacity per unit volume and thermal diffusivity (which we assume are constant with temperature). The following code plots θ(x,t) for three specific times and compares the plots between two metals, with different thermal diffusivities but similar heat capacities, Copper and Iron.

# eg7-diffusion1d.py
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Cross sectional area of bar in m3, heat added at x=0 in J
A, H = 1.e-4, 1.e3
# Temperature in K at t=0
theta0 = 300

# Metal element symbol, specific heat capacities per unit volume (J.m-3.K-1),
# Thermal diffusivities (m2.s-1) for Cu and Fe
metals = np.array([('Cu', 3.45e7, 1.11e-4), ('Fe', 3.50e7, 2.3e-5)],
                  dtype=[('symbol', '|S2'), ('cp', 'f8'), ('D', 'f8')])

# The metal bar extends from -xlim to xlim (m)
xlim, nx = 0.05, 1000
x = np.linspace(-xlim, xlim, nx)

# Calculate the temperature distribution at these three times
times = (1e-2, 0.1, 1)
# Create our subplots: three rows of times, one column for each metal
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=2, figsize=(7, 8))
for j, t in enumerate(times):
    for i, metal in enumerate(metals):
        symbol, cp, D = metal
        ax = axes[j, i]
        # The solution to the diffusion equation
        theta = theta0 + H/cp/A/np.sqrt(D*t * 4*np.pi) * np.exp(-x**2/4/D/t)
        # Plot, converting distances to cm and add some labelling
        ax.plot(x*100, theta, 'k')
        ax.set_title('{}, $t={}$ s'.format(symbol.decode('utf8'), t))
        ax.set_xlim(-4, 4)

# Set up the y axis so that each metal has the same scale at the same t
for j in (0,1,2):
    ymax = max(axes[j,0].get_ylim()[1], axes[j,1].get_ylim()[1])
    print(axes[j,0].get_ylim(), axes[j,1].get_ylim())
    for i in (0,1):
        ax = axes[j,i]
        ax.set_ylim(theta0, ymax)
        # Ensure there are only three y-tick marks
        ax.set_yticks([theta0, (ymax + theta0)/2, ymax])
# We don't want the subplots to bash into each other: tight_layout() fixes this

Since Copper is a better conductor, the temperature increase is seen to spread more rapidly for this metal:

Solution of the one-dimensional diffusion equation