NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) maintains a web service and database called HORIZONS that can be used to calculate ephemerides (the trajectories of objects in the solar system over time). Use data from this resource, which has been pre-selected and can be downloaded from HORIZONS-trajectories.tar.bz2, to produce an animation of the trajectory of the Voyager 2 space probe, between its launch in August 1977 and the end of 1999. This period includes several gravity-assist ("slingshot") maneuvers as the spacecraft flies past the larger planets. Only the $(X,Y)$ coordinates of the relevant bodies need be considered.
This script creates the animation. The objects to be animated are packed into a list, e_objs
which is passed back from the animate
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
eph_names = ['earth', 'mars', 'jupiter', 'saturn', 'uranus', 'voyager2']
def get_ephemeris(filename):
"""Get the ephemeris data from filename."""
def parse_line(line):
"""Parse a single line of the data file, returning position, (x,y,z)."""
sx, sy, sz = line[4:26], line[30:52], line[56:78]
return float(sx), float(sy), float(sz)
dates, xyz = [], []
with open(filename) as fi:
while not fi.readline().strip() == '$$SOE':
while True:
line = fi.readline().rstrip()
if line == '$$EOE':
if 'A.D.' in line:
date = line[25:36]
if date.startswith('1988-Jul'):
# Stop reading data at this date.
elif line.startswith(' X ='):
# Otherwise, this line doesn't interest us: move on.
return dates, np.array(xyz).T
class Ephemeris:
"""A simple class representing the trajectory of an astronomical object."""
def __init__(self, r, c, trajectory):
Initilize the Ephemeris object with a radius, r of the circle to plot,
colour, c, and trajectory parsed from its HORIZON file, traj.
self.r = r
self.c = c
self.date_series, self.traj = trajectory
def get_xy(self, i=None):
Get the x, y position of the object. If i is None, return the entire
trajectory in an array, otherwise return the position at index i.
if i is None:
return self.traj[:2]
return self.traj[0][i], self.traj[1][i]
# Initialize the Ephemeris objects for each of the objects.
ephemerides = {
'earth': Ephemeris(0.3, 'tab:blue', get_ephemeris('earth.txt')),
'mars': Ephemeris(0.3, 'tab:red', get_ephemeris('mars.txt')),
'jupiter': Ephemeris(0.6, 'tab:orange', get_ephemeris('jupiter.txt')),
'saturn': Ephemeris(0.5, 'brown', get_ephemeris('saturn.txt')),
'uranus': Ephemeris(0.4, 'tab:green', get_ephemeris('uranus.txt')),
'voyager2': Ephemeris(0.2, 'w', get_ephemeris('voyager2.txt')),
# Black figure with Axes panel removed.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Initialize the objects and pack the Matplotlib artists into a list, e_objs.
e_objs = []
for eph_name, ephemeris in ephemerides.items():
if eph_name != 'voyager2':
# Plot trajectory paths for objects other than Voyager 2.
ax.plot(*ephemeris.get_xy(), c=ephemeris.c, lw=0.5)
# Circles represent each of the objects; start in initial positions.
e_circ = Circle(xy=ephemeris.get_xy(0), radius=ephemeris.r,
fc=ephemeris.c, zorder=10)
# This is the trajectory path for Voyager 2 (initialize as empty.)
e_line, = ax.plot([], [], c=ephemerides['voyager2'].c, lw=0.5)
label = ax.text(15, 15, '', c='w')
def init():
for i, ephemeris in enumerate(ephemerides.values()):
e_objs[i].center = ephemeris.get_xy(0)
e_line.set_data([], [])
return e_objs
def reformat_date(date):
"""Reverse date string from YYYY-Mon-DD to DD-Mon-YYYY."""
return '-'.join(date.split('-')[::-1])
def animate(j):
"""Advance the animation by one time step."""
for i, ephemeris in enumerate(ephemerides.values()):
e_circ = e_objs[i]
e_line.set_data(ephemeris.traj[0][:j], ephemeris.traj[1][:j])
return e_objs
lim = 25
ax.set_xlim(-lim, lim)
ax.set_ylim(-lim, lim)
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, interval=1, init_func=init,