In the code below the equation of motion for the pendulum is solved numerically and each frame of the animation shows an advance of the simulation by a small amount of time, $\mathrm{d}t$. The small-angle approximation for the pendulum's motion gives a lower bound to the period, $$ T_\mathrm{harm} = \frac{1}{2\pi}\sqrt{\frac{L}{g}}. $$ This is used to determine when the pendulum has made one complete swing. The angular positions are calculated for a single period and then used to determine the position of the pendulum bob, which is drawn as a red circle.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.special import ellipk
import matplotlib.animation as animation
# Bob mass (kg), pendulum length (m), acceleration due to gravity (m.s-2).
m, L, g = 1, 1, 9.81
# Initial angular displacement (rad), tangential velocity (m.s-1)
theta0, v0 = np.radians(60), 0
# Estimate of the period using the harmonic (small displacement) approximation.
# The real period will be longer than this.
Tharm = 2 * np.pi * np.sqrt(L / g)
# Time step for numerical integration of the equation of motion (s).
dt = 0.001
# Initial angular position and tangential velocity.
theta, v = [theta0], [v0]
old_theta = theta0
i = 0
while True:
# Forward Euler method for numerical integration of the ODE.
i += 1
t = i * dt
# Update the bob position using its updated angle.
old_theta, old_v = theta[-1], v[-1]
omega = old_v / L
new_theta = old_theta - omega * dt
# Tangential acceleration.
acc = g * np.sin(old_theta)
# Update the tangential velocity.
new_v = old_v + acc * dt
if t > Tharm and new_v * old_v < 0:
# At the second turning point in velocity we're back where we started,
# i.e. we have completed one period and can finish the simulation.
# Calculate the estimated pendulum period, T, from our numerical integration,
# and the "exact" value in terms of the complete elliptic integral of the
# first kind.
nsteps = len(theta)
T = nsteps * dt
print('Calculated period, T = {} s'.format(T))
print('Estimated small-displacement angle period, Tharm = {} s'.format(Tharm))
k = np.sin(theta0/2)
print('SciPy calculated period, T = {} s'
.format(2 * Tharm / np.pi * ellipk(k**2)))
def get_coords(th):
"""Return the (x, y) coordinates of the bob at angle th."""
return L * np.sin(th), -L * np.cos(th)
# Initialize the animation plot. Make the aspect ratio equal so it looks right.
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(aspect='equal')
# The pendulum rod, in its initial position.
x0, y0 = get_coords(theta0)
line, = ax.plot([0, x0], [0, y0], lw=3, c='k')
# The pendulum bob: set zorder so that it is drawn over the pendulum rod.
bob_radius = 0.08
circle = ax.add_patch(plt.Circle(get_coords(theta0), bob_radius,
fc='r', zorder=3))
# Set the plot limits so that the pendulum has room to swing!
ax.set_xlim(-L*1.2, L*1.2)
ax.set_ylim(-L*1.2, L*1.2)
def animate(i):
"""Update the animation at frame i."""
x, y = get_coords(theta[i])
line.set_data([0, x], [0, y])
circle.set_center((x, y))
nframes = nsteps
interval = dt * 1000
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=nframes, repeat=True,