The Mandlelbrot set is the set of all points in the complex plane for which, starting with $z_0 = 0$, the iteration $z_{n+1}=z_n^2 + c$ remains bounded. It is the case that if $|z_n|$ ever becomes larger than 2, then the sequence diverges (i.e. is not bounded).
The Mandelbrot set may be visualised as an image in which the $(x, y)$ coordinates of each pixel are the real and imaginary parts of $c = x + iy$, and the pixel is coloured black or white according to whether $c$ is in the set or not.
Write a program to display the Mandelbrot set in the region of the complex plane bounded by $-3 \le x \le 1, -2 \le y \le 2$, by displaying a space if a point is in the set or an asterisk if it isn't.
cx, cy = -1., 0.
xsize, ysize = 80, 40
for j in range(ysize):
for i in range(xsize):
x = cx + 4. * (i - xsize / 2.) / xsize
y = cy + 4. * (j - ysize / 2.) / ysize
z = 3. + 8.5j
or handle the real and imaginary parts as separate floats.
(Extra credit). Extend your answer to the previous exercise by generating a 500 x 500 pixel greyscale image of the Mandelbrot set. The shade of grey a pixel is coloured should reflect the number of iterations required to determine that the corresponding point is not in the set. Use PIL, the Python Imaging Library as follows:
from PIL import Image
im ='RGB', (xsize, ysize))
im.putpixel((i, j), (ired, igreen, iblue))
...'mandelbrot.png', 'PNG')
where a pixel is placed at $(i, j)$ and coloured with red, green and blue components ired, igreen, iblue
(each an integer from 0 to 255, such that (0,0,255) is pure blue, (255, 255, 255) is white, (0, 0, 0) is black, etc).
The first program produces an ASCII version of the Mandelbrot set on the command line:
max_it = 1000
cx, cy = -1., 0.
xsize, ysize = 80, 40
for j in range(ysize):
row = []
for i in range(xsize):
x, y = (cx + 4. * (i - xsize / 2.) / xsize,
cy + 4. * (j - ysize / 2.) / ysize)
a, b = (0., 0.)
it = 0
while (a**2 + b**2<= 4.0 and it < max_it):
a, b = a**2 - b**2 + x, 2*a*b + y
it += 1
if it == max_it:
char = ' '
char = '*'
The following program produces a greyscale image, and also uses Python's native complex number arithmetic in the iterations:
from PIL import Image
max_it = 1000
cx, cy = -1., 0.
xsize, ysize = 500, 500
im ='RGB', (xsize, ysize))
for i in range(xsize):
for j in range(ysize):
c = complex(cx + 4. * (i - xsize / 2.) / xsize,
cy + 4. * (j - ysize / 2.) / ysize)
z = 0. + 0.j
it = 0
while (abs(z) <= 2.0 and it < max_it):
z = z**2 + c
it += 1
if it == max_it:
col = 0
col = it * 20 % 255
im.putpixel((i, j), (col, col, col))'mandelbrot.png', 'PNG')