A blog of Python-related topics and code.
Last blog article about UK house prices (promise). It has become popular in the media to present house prices on a choropleth map, in which regions are coloured according to the price. Using the database created in this previous blog post, we can do this (fairly) easily. Here, the regions considered will be based on the first letters of the properties' postcodes.
Having built a database of UK house "paid price" data as described in a previous blog post, we can do some analysis. From within PostgreSQL, one can do straighforward things like get a property's price history. For example:
The UK Land Registry keeps a record of the date and price of every house sale in the country and makes this data available on its website. It provides an online tool for searching entries related to individual properties and even has a SPARQL interface, but here we download the raw data and load it into a PostgreSQL database with Python.
A short gallery of images generated by my Penrose tiling generator, available on github.
Penrose tiles are any of a set of plane figures which can be combined to tile the plane aperiodically (without translational symmetry). They were described by the British mathematician Roger Penrose in the 1970s.