The Spiral of Theodorus (also known as the Snail of Pythogoras), illustrated below, is a well-known visualization of the square roots of the integers as the length of the hypotenuses of a sequence of right triangles, placed edge-to-edge.
The Spiral of Theodorus [Pbroks13 at English Wikipedia: CC-SA-3.0]
An alternative visualization, highlighted in a recent tweet by user @OLonguet can be used to construct the square roots of the integers using a sequence of circles centred alternateiy on the origin, $(0, 0)$ and on $(0, 1)$. The code below generates an animation of the process, in which the intersection of neighbouring circles resembles a row of shark's teeth.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
PAD = 0.05
def init():
"""Plot the sharks-tooth construction of the square roots of integers.
The position of the (N+1)th tooth is highlighted.
# First draw the circles on alternating centres, (0, 0) and (0, 1).
cy = 0
xmin = 0
for n in range(1, nmax+1):
r = np.sqrt(n)
ax.add_patch(plt.Circle((0, cy), r, fill=None, ec='#aaa'))
xmax = r
x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 100)
ax.plot(x, cy + (-1)**cy * np.sqrt(r**2 - x**2), c='k', lw=2)
xmin = r
cy = 1 - cy
# Circle centres: the centre of the circle for tooth N+1 is highlighted in red.
a_pts = ax.scatter([0, 0], [0, 1], s=32, c=['k', 'tab:red'])
ax.text(-PAD, 0.5, '1', ha='right', va='center')
# The radii of the wedge for tooth N+1.
a_p1, = ax.plot([], [], c='k', lw=2)
a_p2, = ax.plot([], [], c='tab:red', lw=2)
# The arc of the circle for tooth N+1.
a_arc, = ax.plot([], [], c='tab:red', lw=2)
# Make sure circles are circular.
ax.set_xlim(-0.2, np.sqrt(nmax) + 0.1)
ax.set_ylim(-1., 2.)
ax.set_yticks([0, 1])
ax.set_xticks([np.sqrt(n) for n in range(nmax+1)])
ax.set_xticklabels([0, 1] + [r'$\sqrt{' + str(n) + '}$' for n in range(2, nmax+1)])
a_txt1 = ax.text(0.5, +PAD, '', ha='center', va='top', weight='bold', color='k')
a_txt2 = ax.text(0.5, -PAD, '', ha='center', va='top', weight='bold', color='tab:red')
return a_pts, a_p1, a_p2, a_arc, a_txt1, a_txt2
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
nmax = 10
def animate(N):
"""Advance the animation to sqrt(N+1) in frame N."""
cyN = N % 2
x, xp = np.sqrt(N), np.sqrt(N+1)
# Highlight the "wedge" for this number in red.
a_p1.set_data([x, 0, 0], [1 - cyN, 1 - cyN, cyN])
a_p2.set_data([xp, 0, x], [cyN, cyN, 1 - cyN])
xgrid = np.linspace(x, xp, 100)
a_arc.set_data(xgrid, cyN + (-1)**cyN * np.sqrt(xp**2 - xgrid**2))
# The circle centre swaps on each frame advance.
a_pts.set_color(['k', 'tab:red'][::(cyN or -1)])
if N:
# Don't write sqrt(0).
a_txt1.set_text(r'$\mathbf{\sqrt{' + str(N) + '}}$')
a_txt1.set_x(xp / 2)
a_txt1.set_y(1 - cyN - PAD)
a_txt2.set_text(r'$\mathbf{\sqrt{' + str(N+1) + '}}$')
a_txt2.set_x(xp / 2)
a_txt2.set_y(cyN - PAD)
return a_pts, a_p1, a_p2, a_arc, a_txt1, a_txt2
# Initialization
a_pts, a_p1, a_p2, a_arc, a_txt1, a_txt2 = init()
nframes = nmax
interval = 1000
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=nframes, repeat=False,
interval=interval, blit=True)
# Write to GIF.
writer = animation.PillowWriter(fps=1,
bitrate=1800)'sharks-teeth.gif', writer=writer)
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