The Centre for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University publishes daily statistics of the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 by country on its GitHub page. The short script below pulls data from this page to plot a bar chart of cases and growth in cases as a function of time for a given country. For example:
Change the value of the variable country
to plot for a different country, using one of the values in the "Country/Region" column of the CSV file in time_series_covid19_confirmed_global.csv.
import sys
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
# If you have saved a local copy of the CSV file as LOCAL_CSV_FILE,
# set READ_FROM_URL to True
LOCAL_CSV_FILE = 'covid-19-cases.csv'
# Start the plot on the day when the number of confirmed cases reaches MIN_CASES.
# The country to plot the data for.
country = 'United Kingdom'
# This is the GitHub URL for the Johns Hopkins data in CSV format
data_loc = (''
# Read in the data to a pandas DataFrame.
data_loc = LOCAL_CSV_FILE
df = pd.read_csv(data_loc)
# Group by country and sum over the different states/regions of each country.
grouped = df.groupby('Country/Region')
df2 = grouped.sum()
def make_plot(country):
"""Make the bar plot of case numbers and change in numbers line plot."""
# Extract the Series corresponding to the case numbers for country.
c_df = df2.loc[country, df2.columns[3:]]
# Discard any columns with fewer than MIN_CASES.
c_df = c_df[c_df >= MIN_CASES].astype(int)
# Convet index to a proper datetime object
c_df.index = pd.to_datetime(c_df.index)
n = len(c_df)
if n == 0:
print('Too few data to plot: minimum number of cases is {}'
fig = plt.Figure()
# Arrange the subplots on a grid: the top plot (case number change) is
# one quarter the height of the bar chart (total confirmed case numbers).
ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((4,1), (0,0))
ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((4,1), (1,0), rowspan=3), c_df.values)
# Force the x-axis to be in integers (whole number of days) in case
# Matplotlib chooses some non-integral number of days to label).
c_df_change = c_df.diff()
ax2.plot(range(n), c_df_change.values)
ax1.set_xlabel('Days since {} cases'.format(MIN_CASES))
ax1.set_ylabel('Confirmed cases, $N$')
ax2.set_ylabel('$\Delta N$')
# Add a title reporting the latest number of cases available.
title = '{}\n{} cases on {}'.format(country, c_df[-1],
c_df.index[-1].strftime('%d %B %Y'))
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Sean Rommel 4 years, 11 months ago
This is an excellent routine. I'm making a few edits I'd be happy to share with you. Specifically, I'm recasting the plots as semilogy to show the beginning of roll-over/flattening. I'm hoping to also build a routine that will extract/plot USA data by state/county. I'd be happy to collaborate as my job permits. Still learning Python, but can help here if you are interested.
Link | ReplySincerely,
Sean Rommel (Rochester, NY USA)
christian 4 years, 11 months ago
I would be very interested to see your improvements: the code in this post was updated in the one following it, and lives on GitHub at – feel free to fork and send me a PR.
Link | ReplyCheers,
Joseph Levine 4 years, 8 months ago
Link | ReplyI think there is an error in how you remove min cases.
If a cases count time series was
[0, 0, 10, 100, 99, 200]
we would get a graph that said 200 cases occurred on day 2 since 100 cases.
In a more extreme example, China had 0 cases for several weeks. All that time will just be dropped using this method. If I come up with something better I'll PR
christian 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi Joseph,
Link | ReplyPlease do correct me if I've got this wrong, but I think the data being read in are cumulative numbers not daily numbers, so only the first MIN_CASES are dropped from the data set.
Cheers, Christian
Joseph Levine 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi Christian,
Link | ReplyYou are corret! I converted to daily cases and mixed myself up. Thanks for the prompt reply and the slick solution.
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