The program given below takes a list of words and attempts to fit them into a grid with given dimensions to make a word search puzzle.
For example, using the file planets.txt
python planets.txt 7 7
produces the (cramped) grid puzzle:
Various mask effects are implemented; using the list states.txt
python states.txt 11 11 circle
Large puzzles, such as this one containing all the element names, are possible (click for a larger, printable image):
The code:
import os
import sys
import random
from copy import deepcopy
# Maximum number of rows and columns.
NMAX = 32
def circle_mask(grid):
"""A circular mask to shape the grid."""
r2 = min(ncols, nrows)**2 // 4
cx, cy = ncols//2, nrows // 2
for irow in range(nrows):
for icol in range(ncols):
if (irow - cy)**2 + (icol - cx)**2 > r2:
grid[irow][icol] = '*'
def squares_mask(grid):
"""A mask of overlapping squares to shape the grid."""
a = int(0.38 * min(ncols, nrows))
cy = nrows // 2
cx = ncols // 2
for irow in range(nrows):
for icol in range(ncols):
if a <= icol < ncols-a:
if irow < cy-a or irow > cy+a:
grid[irow][icol] = '*'
if a <= irow < nrows-a:
if icol < cx-a or icol > cx+a:
grid[irow][icol] = '*'
def no_mask(grid):
"""The default, no mask."""
# A dictionary of masking functions, keyed by their name.
apply_mask = {
None: no_mask,
'circle': circle_mask,
'squares': squares_mask,
def make_grid(mask=None):
"""Make the grid and apply a mask (locations a letter cannot be placed)."""
grid = [[' ']*ncols for _ in range(nrows)]
return grid
def _make_wordsearch(nrows, ncols, wordlist, allow_backwards_words=True,
"""Attempt to make a word search with the given parameters."""
grid = make_grid(mask)
def fill_grid_randomly(grid):
"""Fill up the empty, unmasked positions with random letters."""
for irow in range(nrows):
for icol in range(ncols):
if grid[irow][icol] == ' ':
grid[irow][icol] = random.choice(alphabet)
def remove_mask(grid):
"""Remove the mask, for text output, by replacing with whitespace."""
for irow in range(nrows):
for icol in range(ncols):
if grid[irow][icol] == '*':
grid[irow][icol] = ' '
def test_candidate(irow, icol, dx, dy, word):
"""Test the candidate location (icol, irow) for word in orientation
dx, dy)."""
for j in range(len(word)):
if grid[irow][icol] not in (' ', word[j]):
return False
irow += dy
icol += dx
return True
def place_word(word):
"""Place word randomly in the grid and return True, if possible."""
# Left, down, and the diagonals.
dxdy_choices = [(0,1), (1,0), (1,1), (1,-1)]
for (dx, dy) in dxdy_choices:
if allow_backwards_words and random.choice([True, False]):
# If backwards words are allowed, simply reverse word.
word = word[::-1]
# Work out the minimum and maximum column and row indexes, given
# the word length.
n = len(word)
colmin = 0
colmax = ncols - n if dx else ncols - 1
rowmin = 0 if dy >= 0 else n - 1
rowmax = nrows - n if dy >= 0 else nrows - 1
if colmax - colmin < 0 or rowmax - rowmin < 0:
# No possible place for the word in this orientation.
# Build a list of candidate locations for the word.
candidates = []
for irow in range(rowmin, rowmax+1):
for icol in range(colmin, colmax+1):
if test_candidate(irow, icol, dx, dy, word):
candidates.append((irow, icol))
# If we don't have any candidates, try the next orientation.
if not candidates:
# Pick a random candidate location and place the word in this
# orientation.
loc = irow, icol = random.choice(candidates)
for j in range(n):
grid[irow][icol] = word[j]
irow += dy
icol += dx
# We're done: no need to try any more orientations.
# If we're here, it's because we tried all orientations but
# couldn't find anywhere to place the word. Oh dear.
return False
print(word, loc, (dx, dy))
return True
# Iterate over the word list and try to place each word (without spaces).
for word in wordlist:
word = word.replace(' ', '')
if not place_word(word):
# We failed to place word, so bail.
return None, None
# grid is a list of lists, so we need to deepcopy here for an independent
# copy to keep as the solution (without random letters in unfilled spots).
solution = deepcopy(grid)
return grid, solution
def make_wordsearch(*args, **kwargs):
"""Make a word search, attempting to fit words into the specified grid."""
# We try NATTEMPTS times (with random orientations) before giving up.
for i in range(NATTEMPTS):
grid, solution = _make_wordsearch(*args, **kwargs)
if grid:
print('Fitted the words in {} attempt(s)'.format(i+1))
return grid, solution
print('I failed to place all the words after {} attempts.'
return None, None
def show_grid_text(grid):
"""Output a text version of the filled grid wordsearch."""
for irow in range(nrows):
print(' '.join(grid[irow]))
def show_wordlist_text(wordlist):
"""Output a text version of the list of the words to find."""
for word in wordlist:
def show_wordsearch_text(grid, wordlist):
"""Output the wordsearch grid and list of words to find."""
def svg_preamble(fo, width, height):
"""Output the SVG preamble, with styles, to open file object fo."""
print("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<svg xmlns=""
xmlns:xlink="" width="{}" height="{}" >
<style type="text/css"><![CDATA[
line, path {{
stroke: black;
stroke-width: 4;
stroke-linecap: square;
path {{
fill: none;
text {{
font: bold 24px Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
""".format(width, height), file=fo)
def grid_as_svg(grid, width, height):
"""Return the wordsearch grid as a sequence of SVG <text> elements."""
# A bit of padding at the top.
YPAD = 20
# There is some (not much) wiggle room to squeeze in wider grids by
# reducing the letter spacing.
letter_width = min(32, width / ncols)
grid_width = letter_width * ncols
# The grid is centred; this is the padding either side of it.
XPAD = (width - grid_width) / 2
letter_height = letter_width
grid_height = letter_height * nrows
s = []
# Output the grid, one letter at a time, keeping track of the y-coord.
y = YPAD + letter_height / 2
for irow in range(nrows):
x = XPAD + letter_width / 2
for icol in range(ncols):
letter = grid[irow][icol]
if letter != ' ':
s.append('<text x="{}" y="{}" text-anchor="middle">{}</text>'
.format(x, y, letter))
x += letter_width
y += letter_height
# We return the last y-coord used, to decide where to put the word list.
return y, '\n'.join(s)
def wordlist_svg(wordlist, width, height, y0):
"""Return a list of the words to find as a sequence of <text> elements."""
# Use two columns of words to save (some) space.
n = len(wordlist)
col1, col2 = wordlist[:n//2], wordlist[n//2:]
def word_at(x, y, word):
"""The SVG element for word centred at (x, y)."""
return ( '<text x="{}" y="{}" text-anchor="middle" class="wordlist">'
'{}</text>'.format(x, y, word) )
s = []
x = width * 0.25
# Build the list of <text> elements for each column of words.
y0 += 25
for i, word in enumerate(col1):
s.append(word_at(x, y0 + 25*i, word))
x = width * 0.75
for i, word in enumerate(col2):
s.append(word_at(x, y0 + 25*i, word))
return '\n'.join(s)
def write_wordsearch_svg(filename, grid, wordlist):
"""Save the wordsearch grid as an SVG file to filename."""
width, height = 1000, 1414
with open(filename, 'w') as fo:
svg_preamble(fo, width, height)
y0, svg_grid = grid_as_svg(grid, width, height)
print(svg_grid, file=fo)
# If there's room print the word list.
if y0 + 25 * len(wordlist) // 2 < height:
print(wordlist_svg(wordlist, width, height, y0), file=fo)
print('</svg>', file=fo)
def get_wordlist(wordlist_filename):
"""Read in the word list from wordlist_filename."""
wordlist = []
with open(wordlist_filename) as fi:
for line in fi:
# The word is upper-cased and comments and blank lines are ignored.
line = line.strip().upper()
if not line or line.startswith('#'):
return wordlist
# Read the wordlist filename and grid dimensions (nrows, ncols) from the
# command line.
wordlist_filename = sys.argv[1]
nrows, ncols = int(sys.argv[2]), int(sys.argv[3])
mask = None
if len(sys.argv) > 4:
mask = sys.argv[4]
if nrows > NMAX or ncols > NMAX:
sys.exit('Maximum number of rows and columns is {}'.format(NMAX))
wordlist = sorted(get_wordlist(wordlist_filename), key=lambda w: len(w),
# Obviously, no word can be longer than the maximum dimension.
max_word_len = max(nrows, ncols)
if max(len(word) for word in wordlist) > max_word_len:
raise ValueError('Word list contains a word with too many letters.'
'The maximum is {}'.format(max(nrows, ncols)))
# This flag determines whether words can be fitted backwards into the grid
# (which makes the puzzle a bit harder).
allow_backwards_words = False
# If using a mask, specify it by a key to the apply_mask dictionary.
grid, solution = make_wordsearch(nrows, ncols, wordlist, allow_backwards_words,
# If we fitted the words to the grid, show it in text format and save SVG files
# of the grid and its solution.
if grid:
show_wordsearch_text(grid, wordlist)
filename = os.path.splitext(wordlist_filename)[0] + '.svg'
write_wordsearch_svg(filename, grid, wordlist)
filename = os.path.splitext(wordlist_filename)[0] + '-solution.svg'
write_wordsearch_svg(filename, solution, [])
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Person - please answer 3 years, 10 months ago
in line 283, it say that the index is out of range.
Link | Replychristian 3 years, 10 months ago
You need to pass the text file containing the words you want to fit, along with the dimensions of the grid required, on the command line: e.g.
Link | Reply$ python planets.txt 10 10
Noobie 3 years, 10 months ago
Im new and i want to test program but it says index out of range in lin 283. Im not really sure, i've read the comments and answers but in still not sure how to do it. Can u pls show me or put more clearer instructions?
Link | Replychristian 3 years, 10 months ago
Can you explain how you are running the program? The instructions above assume you are on the command line. If you are using an IDE like MS Visual Studio there is presumably some other way of passing command line arguments. Can you give some more information about your environment?
Link | ReplyPuzzler 3 years, 7 months ago
Hi Christian this is an really well documented and explained post. I had a few questions and sent them through the contact form. I'm not sure if you received them.
Link | ReplyYour blog is a great resource. I will be coming back to it multiple times!
Min C 3 years, 7 months ago
Hi! Thank you very much. The code worked well and I was able to create several word search puzzles.
Link | ReplySebastian Campanella 3 years, 4 months ago
Hello Thanks for that. It is working but I can see that the svg files created are empty.
Link | Replychristian 3 years, 3 months ago
Hello Sebastian,
Link | ReplyI cannot reproduce this error: can you let me know how you are running the program?
Best wishes, Christian
Grehg 3 years, 3 months ago
Hey Christian,
Link | ReplyDo you happen to have the source code that produces the single square output that you shared at the start of the post?
I'm only seeing circle and squares.
christian 3 years, 3 months ago
Link | ReplyA square mask is just no mask (with nrows=ncols), isn't it?
Cheers, Christian
Grehg 3 years, 3 months ago
Hey Chrstian, I ended up adding a square mask by using this very simple code, it might help someone else:
Link | Reply```
def square_mask(grid):
"""A mask of overlapping square to shape the grid."""
Makayla 2 years, 7 months ago
Link | ReplyIf I wanted to run this in Jupyter Lab, what changes would I need to make? Thanks!
christian 2 years, 6 months ago
I've made some changes and released it on PyPI, so you can install it as a package if you want: see
Link | ReplySammy 2 years, 4 months ago
Can you please show us the steps of how to run this code.
Link | Replychristian 2 years, 4 months ago
Which platform are you on? If you're new to Python, you could start by installing the Anaconda Python distribution ( which (I think ) comes with an editor from which you can run code.
Link | ReplyDAVID 2 years, 3 months ago
My wife is a teacher and this will save her loads of time - thanks a lot.
Link | ReplyHeiko 2 years, 3 months ago
Link | Replygood idea. Thank for your post. I will try it out.
2 years ago
omg so amazing thank you 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩
Link | ReplyLori 1 year, 4 months ago
Just seeing this, and it works great. However, can someone tell me how I would modify this to be able to use multi-word word search items, e.g., Winter Haven. If I put single or double quotes around the item in the words file, those single quotes or double quotes show up in the puzzle.
Link | ReplyAny help you can provide would be really appreciated. I'm new to Python (and I'm not a developer, yet).
christian 1 year, 4 months ago
You can include spaces in the words of the input text file and they will be preserved in the list of words to search for but left out of the grid itself.
Link | ReplyDoes that answer your question? Cheers, Christian
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