Dyck paths and Catalan numbers


A Dyck path can be described as a sequence of $n$ horizontal steps for which, at each step a vertical step of $+1$ or $-1$ is taken subject to the constraints that the vertical coordinate never decreases below its initial value and the number of "up" and "down" steps is equal. For example,

/\/    \

is a valid Dyck path (where / indicates an "up" step and \ a "down step), whereas



/\ /    

are not. The number of Dyck paths with $2n$ steps (clearly there must be an even number of steps) is given by the Catalan number, $$ C_n = \frac{1}{n+1}\left( \begin{array}{c}2n \\ n \end{array} \right) $$ The Catalan numbers are $1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, 429, \ldots$ for $n = 1, 2, 3, \ldots$ and occur in a large number of combinatorial problems. For example, in the number of full binary trees with $n + 1$ leaves, and the number of ways of balancing $n$ pairs of brackets, as demonstrated by the code below, which recursively generates Dyck paths for a given number of steps:

$ python3 make_paths.py 3

(naming the script make_paths.py and providing $n$ on the command line), generates:

 /  \
/    \

/    \

/  \/\

/\/  \

C(3) = 5

The code:

import sys

def make_path(k, h, s):
    """Complete the Dyck path from k at height h in string s."""
    if k == 2*n:
        # We're done for this path.
        yield s
    if h < 2*n-k:
        # We can go up.
        for s2 in make_path(k+1, h+1, s +'/'):
            yield s2
    if h > 0:
        # We can always go down if we're above sea-level.
        for s2 in make_path(k+1, h-1, s + '\\'):
            yield s2

def make_mountains(s):
    """Make a mountain text sketch out of / and \."""
    dh = {'/': 1, '\\': -1}
    nx = len(s)
    ny = nx // 2
    # Start with a blank canvas nx wide and ny high.
    arr = [[' ']*nx for _ in range(ny)]
    h, c = -1, '/'
    for k in range(nx):
        if not(k and s[k] != s[k-1]):
            # If this step is the same as the last, take it
            # (otherwise, this step reverses the altitude change of the
            # last step, so there is no overall change in h.)
            h += dh[s[k]]
        arr[h][k] = s[k]
    # Join the array of characters together in one pretty multi-line string.
    ms = '\n'.join(''.join(arr[ny-h-1]) for h in range(ny))
    return ms

if __name__ == "__main__":
    n = int(sys.argv[1])
    N = 0
    for s in make_path(0, 0, ''):
        # Also depict the string as a Dyck word of balanced parentheses.
        print(s.replace('/', '(').replace('\\', ')'))
        N +=1
    # N should be a Catalan number: 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, ...
    print(f"C({n}) = {N}")
Current rating: 5


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