The code below,
, defines a class Torus
for drawing an SVG image of a torus. The Torus
class itself is a subclass of Shape
, a more general class for depicting 3D objects in an SVG image, defined in
. A usage example is given in the code of
, which creates this image:
In this image, a small amount of noise has been added to the coordinates of the "quads" that make up the torus, distorting its surface slightly.
from shape import Shape
import numpy as np
class Torus(Shape):
def __init__(self, c, a, ntheta=30, nphi=60):
self.c, self.a = c, a
# Number of quads per 2.pi radians around each angular coordinate.
self.ntheta, self.nphi = ntheta, nphi
# Create a mesh of points on the angular coordinates, theta and phi.
theta = np.linspace(0, 2.*np.pi, self.ntheta)
phi = np.linspace(0, 2.*np.pi, self.nphi)
self.theta, self.phi = np.meshgrid(theta, phi)
def get_xyz(self):
"""Get the cartesian coordinates of a point on the torus."""
x = (self.c + self.a*np.cos(self.theta)) * np.cos(self.phi)
y = (self.c + self.a*np.cos(self.theta)) * np.sin(self.phi)
z = self.a * np.sin(self.theta) = np.stack((x, y, z), axis=-1)
self.y =[:,:,1]
def setup_torus(self):
def get_quads(self):
# Calculate the coordinates of the quads, and keep track of each quad's
# mean position in the y-axis (depth-axis) in ypos.
# To look inside the torus, we may not want to draw it all. Specify the
# indexes of the phi coordinates of the quads to draw as j1, j2 here:
j1, j2 = self.nphi//2, self.nphi
j1, j2 = 0, self.nphi
ni, nj = self.ntheta, j2-j1
self.quads = np.empty((ni*nj,4,2))
self.ypos = np.empty(ni*nj)
for i in range(self.ntheta):
for j in range(j1, j2):
ip, jp = (i+1) % self.ntheta, (j+1) % self.nphi
idx = i*nj+j-j1
self.quads[idx] = ((self.bx[j,i],[j,i]),
ym = np.mean( (self.y[j,i], self.y[j,ip],
self.y[jp,ip], self.y[jp,i]) )
self.ypos[idx] = ym
# Get the indexes of the quads sorted by their distance from the camera
self.idy = np.argsort(self.ypos)
import numpy as np
class Shape:
def __init__(self):
def distort(self, noise=0.1): += noise * (np.random.random(
self.y =[:,:,1]
def rotate_xyz(self, alpha, beta, gamma):
"""Rotate the point(s) P=xyz by Rz(alpha)Ry(beta)Rx(gamma).P"""
alpha, beta, gamma = (np.radians(alpha), np.radians(beta),
ca, sa = np.cos(alpha), np.sin(alpha)
Rz = np.array(((1,0,0),(0,ca,-sa),(0,sa,ca)))
cb, sb = np.cos(beta), np.sin(beta)
Ry = np.array(((cb,0,sb),(0,1,0),(-sb,0,cb)))
cg, sg = np.cos(gamma), np.sin(gamma)
Rx = np.array(((cg,-sg,0),(sg,cg,0),(0,0,1)))
R = Rz @ Ry @ Rx = @ R.T
self.y =[:,:,1]
def get_perspective_view(self, C, E):
Simple perspective projection of point A onto display plane at E
as seen by camera at C. Returns bx,by the image plane coordinates
of the projection (which are the x,z coordinates of B).
D = - C
r = E[1] / D[:,:,1]
B = r[:,:,None] * D + E
self.bx, = B[:,:,0], B[:,:,2]
Also required, is
# Some different colour schemes for our torus.
import random
def rgb_to_html(rgb):
return '#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}'.format(*rgb)
def html_to_frac(html):
r, g, b = int(html[1:3], 16), int(html[3:5], 16), int(html[5:7], 16)
return r/255, g/255, b/255
pastel_colours = ['#e0bbe4', '#957dad', '#d291bc', '#fec8d8', '#ffdfd3']
elmer_colours = [[68,90,233], [112,0,128], [103,204,33], [217,17,29],
[228,151,200], [239,240,233], [23,16,16], [242,97,9], [251,236,21]]
for i, rgb in enumerate(elmer_colours):
elmer_colours[i] = rgb_to_html(rgb)
def depth_shaded(i, idy):
"""Map the ramp i=0->b onto a triangle i=0->1->0."""
b = len(idy)
r = b - abs(i - b/2)
rgb = (int(r/b*255),)*3
return rgb_to_html(rgb)
def depth_gradient(i, idy, c1, c2):
c1, c2 = html_to_frac(c1), html_to_frac(c2)
d = c2[0]-c1[0], c2[1]-c1[1], c2[2]-c1[2]
b = len(idy)
r = 1 - abs(i - b/2) / b
rgb = (c1[0] + r*d[0], c1[1] + r*d[1], c1[2] + r*d[2])
rgb = (int(s*255) for s in rgb)
return rgb_to_html(rgb)
colour_funcs = {
'grey': lambda i, _: '#dddddd',
'white': lambda i, _: '#ffffff',
'pastels': lambda i, _: random.choice(pastel_colours),
'elmer': lambda i, _: random.choice(elmer_colours),
'depth shaded': depth_shaded,
'depth gradient': depth_gradient,
Finally, the example,
import numpy as np
from torus import Torus
from palettes import colour_funcs
# The major and minor radius of the torus.
c, a = 2.5, 0.5
# Pick a colour scheme from the get_colours dictionary
palette = 'depth gradient'
palette_args = '#0000ff', '#00ff00'
# Image dimensions and scaling factors from torus units to image units.
width, height = 800, 600
scalex, scaley = 140, 140
# Tait-Bryan angles for intrinsic rotation of the figure.
alpha, beta, gamma = 90, 25, 10
# Camera position, C, and projection plane position, E (relative to C).
cx, cy, cz = 0, 6, 0
ex, ey, ez = 0, 3, 0
C, E = np.array((cx,cy,cz)), np.array((ex,ey,ez))
# Distortion noise factor
noise = 0.1
def preamble(fo):
"""The SVG preamble and styles."""
print('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n'
'<svg xmlns=""\n' + ' '*5 +
'xmlns:xlink="" width="{}" height="{}" >'
.format(width, height), file=fo)
<style type="text/css"><![CDATA[""", file=fo)
print('path {stroke-width: 0.5px; stroke: #000;}', file=fo)
</defs>""", file=fo)
torus = Torus(c, a)
torus.rotate_xyz(alpha, beta, gamma)
torus.get_perspective_view(C, E)
# Draw the torus as a SVG image.
get_colour = colour_funcs[palette]
with open('torus.svg', 'w') as fo:
for i in torus.idy:
quad = torus.quads[i] * (scalex, scaley) + (width/2, height/2)
colour = get_colour(i, torus.idy, *palette_args)
print('<path d="M{},{} L{},{} L{},{} L{},{} Z" fill="{}"/>'.format(
*quad.ravel(), colour),
print('</svg>', file=fo)
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