Some analysis of the demographics of India

In this Notebook we will analyse some of the tables of data at relating to the demographics of India. First, we will obtain a local copy of the HTML file so we don't have to keep fetching it from the internet. We will save it in a subdirectory specified by the variable HTML_DIR.

In [1]:
import os
import urllib

# The directory we're going to save local copies of the HTML files into.
HTML_DIR = 'html'
if not os.path.exists(HTML_DIR):
In [2]:
def get_htmlpath(filename):
    """Get qualified path to local HTML file filename."""
    return os.path.join(HTML_DIR, filename)

def fetch_html(url, filename):
    """Fetch HTML file for continent from internet and save as filename."""

    print('Fetching HTML file from', url, '...')
    req = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
    html =
    filepath = get_htmlpath(filename)
    print('Saving as', filepath, '...')
    with open(filepath, 'w') as fo:
In [3]:
url = ''
filename = 'india-demographics.html'
fetch_html(url, filename)
Fetching HTML file from ...
Saving as html/india-demographics.html ...
In [4]:
# Check the file is there:
!ls -l $HTML_DIR
total 1008
-rw-r--r--  1 christian  staff  513046  2 Aug 14:10 india-demographics.html

We're in business. First some imports and configuration for our Jupyter session:

In [5]:
import re
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# I want to always display warnings
import warnings

Now read the data tables into a list of pandas DataFrames:

In [6]:
data = pd.read_html(os.path.join(HTML_DIR, filename))
print(f'Read in {len(data)} HTML tables.')
Read in 36 HTML tables.

Population statistics

The first one I'm interested in lists the some population distribution by states and union territories and turns out to be at index 8. We'll make a copy into the object df so that we can always check it against the original if we need to. We'll also do some tidying in the following lines:

  • set the state / UT name as the index;
  • strip out "(UT") from the union territory names;
  • drop some of the redundant columns (we will re-create some of these);
  • rename some of the columns to get rid of the footnote numbers; and
  • drop the last row, which contains the totals / summary statistics of the columns.
In [7]:
# Population distribution by states / union territories (2011)
df = data[8].copy()
df.set_index('State/UT', inplace=True)
# Match index labels against strings that end in " (UT)" and strip this part:
df.rename({e: re.sub(r'(.+)\s\(UT\)$',r'\1', e) for e in df.index}, inplace=True)
df.drop(['Rank', 'Percent (%)', 'Population[52]', 'Difference between male and female',
         'Sex Ratio', 'Density (per km2)'], axis='columns', inplace=True)
df.rename({'Rural[53]': 'Rural', 'Urban[53]': 'Urban', 'Area[54] (km2)': 'Area (km2)',
           'Male': 'Male Population', 'Female': 'Female Population'},
          axis='columns', inplace=True)
df.drop('Total (India)', inplace=True)
In [8]:
Male Population Female Population Rural Urban Area (km2)
Uttar Pradesh 104480510 95331831 155111022 44470455 240928
Maharashtra 58243056 54131277 61545441 50827531 307713
Bihar 54278157 49821295 92075028 11729609 94163
West Bengal 46809027 44467088 62213676 29134060 88752
Madhya Pradesh 37612306 35014503 52537899 20059666 308245
Tamil Nadu 36137975 36009055 37189229 34949729 130058
Rajasthan 35550997 32997440 51540236 17080776 342239
Karnataka 30966657 30128640 37552529 23578175 191791
Gujarat 31491260 28948432 34670817 25712811 196024
Andhra Pradesh 24738068 24648731 34776389 14610410 160205
Odisha 21212136 20762082 34951234 6996124 155707
Telangana 17704078 17489900 21585313 13608665 114840
Kerala 16027412 17378649 17445506 15932171 38863
Jharkhand 16930315 16057819 25036946 7929292 79714
Assam 15939443 15266133 26780526 4388756 78438
Punjab 14639465 13103873 17316800 10387436 50362
Chhattisgarh 12832895 12712303 19603658 5936538 135191
Haryana 13494734 11856728 16531493 8821588 44212
Delhi 8887326 7800615 944727 12905780 1484
Jammu and Kashmir 6640662 5900640 9134820 3414106 222236
Uttarakhand 5137773 4948519 7025583 3091169 53483
Himachal Pradesh 3481873 3382729 6167805 688704 55673
Tripura 1874376 1799541 2710051 960981 10486
Meghalaya 1491832 1475057 2368971 595036 22429
Manipur 1438687 1417107 1899624 822132 22327
Nagaland 1024649 953853 1406861 573741 16579
Goa 739140 719405 551414 906309 3702
Arunachal Pradesh 713912 669815 1069165 313446 83743
Puducherry 612511 635442 394341 850123 479
Mizoram 555339 541867 529037 561997 21081
Chandigarh 580663 474787 29004 1025682 114
Sikkim 323070 287507 455962 151726 7096
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 202871 177710 244411 135533 8249
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 193760 149949 183024 159829 491
Daman and Diu 150301 92946 60331 182580 112
Lakshadweep 33123 31350 14121 50308 32

Now let's recreate columns for each state for the total population, sex ratio (number of women per 1000 men) and population density and produce some summary statistics:

In [9]:
df['Population'] = df['Male Population'] + df['Female Population']
df['Sex Ratio'] = df['Female Population'] / df['Male Population'] * 1000
df['Population density (km-2)'] = df['Population'] / df['Area (km2)']
In [10]:
total_pop = df['Population'].sum()
print('Total population of India (2011): {:,}'.format(total_pop))
state_sr_min = df['Sex Ratio'].idxmin()
print('Lowest sex ratio: F:M * 1000 = {:.1f} ({})'.format(df.loc[state_sr_min]['Sex Ratio'], state_sr_min))
state_sr_max = df['Sex Ratio'].idxmax()
print('Highest sex ratio: F:M * 1000 = {:.1f} ({})'.format(df.loc[state_sr_max]['Sex Ratio'], state_sr_max))
state_least_dense = df['Population density (km-2)'].idxmin()
print('Lowest population density: {:.1f} km-2 ({})'.format(
        df.loc[state_least_dense]['Population density (km-2)'], state_least_dense))

mean_pop_density = total_pop / df['Area (km2)'].sum()
print('Aveage population density of India: {:.1f} km-2'.format(mean_pop_density))
Total population of India (2011): 1,210,754,977
Lowest sex ratio: F:M * 1000 = 618.4 (Daman and Diu)
Highest sex ratio: F:M * 1000 = 1084.3 (Kerala)
Lowest population density: 16.5 km-2 (Arunachal Pradesh)
Aveage population density of India: 368.3 km-2


Next, let's look at the table on literacy rates, which turns out to be the one indexed at 16. We'll do some more cleaning after obtaining a copy of the DataFrame first:

In [11]:
df_lit = data[16][:-1].copy()
df_lit.set_index('State or UT', inplace=True)
df_lit.rename({e: re.sub(r'(.+)\s\(UT\)',r'\1', e) for e in df.index}, inplace=True)
df_lit.rename(index={'Andhra Pradesh[74]': 'Andhra Pradesh'}, inplace=True)
df_lit.drop('State or UT code', axis='columns', inplace=True)
Overall (%) Male (%) Female (%)
State or UT
Jammu and Kashmir 86.61 87.26 86.23
Himachal Pradesh 83.78 90.83 76.60
Punjab 76.60 81.48 71.34
Chandigarh 86.43 90.54 81.38
Uttarakhand 79.63 88.33 70.70
Haryana 76.64 85.38 66.77
Delhi 86.34 91.03 80.93
Rajasthan 67.06 80.51 52.66
Uttar Pradesh 69.72 79.24 59.26
Bihar 63.82 73.39 53.33
Sikkim 82.20 87.29 76.43
Arunachal Pradesh 66.95 73.69 59.57
Nagaland 80.11 83.29 76.69
Manipur 79.85 86.49 73.17
Mizoram 91.58 93.72 89.40
Tripura 87.75 92.18 83.15
Meghalaya 75.48 77.17 73.78
Assam 73.18 78.81 67.27
West Bengal 77.08 82.67 71.16
Jharkhand 67.63 78.45 56.21
Odisha 72.90 82.40 64.36
Chhattisgarh 71.04 81.45 60.59
Madhya Pradesh 70.63 80.53 60.02
Gujarat 79.31 87.23 70.73
Daman and Diu 87.07 91.48 79.59
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 77.65 86.46 65.93
Maharashtra 83.20 89.82 75.48
Andhra Pradesh 67.35 74.77 59.96
Karnataka 75.60 82.85 68.13
Goa 87.40 92.81 81.84
Lakshadweep 92.28 96.11 88.25
Kerala 93.91 96.02 91.98
Tamil Nadu 80.33 86.81 73.86
Puducherry 86.55 92.12 81.22
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 86.27 90.11 81.84

We'd like to combine this table with the existing one, df, which is also indexed by state / UT name:

In [12]:
df[['Male Literacy (%)', 'Female Literacy (%)']] = df_lit[['Male (%)', 'Female (%)']]
Male Population Female Population Rural Urban Area (km2) Population Sex Ratio Population density (km-2) Male Literacy (%) Female Literacy (%)
Uttar Pradesh 104480510 95331831 155111022 44470455 240928 199812341 912.436501 829.344622 79.24 59.26
Maharashtra 58243056 54131277 61545441 50827531 307713 112374333 929.403103 365.192023 89.82 75.48
Bihar 54278157 49821295 92075028 11729609 94163 104099452 917.888480 1105.523953 73.39 53.33
West Bengal 46809027 44467088 62213676 29134060 88752 91276115 949.968219 1028.440091 82.67 71.16
Madhya Pradesh 37612306 35014503 52537899 20059666 308245 72626809 930.932100 235.613908 80.53 60.02
Tamil Nadu 36137975 36009055 37189229 34949729 130058 72147030 996.432562 554.729659 86.81 73.86
Rajasthan 35550997 32997440 51540236 17080776 342239 68548437 928.172000 200.294055 80.51 52.66
Karnataka 30966657 30128640 37552529 23578175 191791 61095297 972.938086 318.551428 82.85 68.13
Gujarat 31491260 28948432 34670817 25712811 196024 60439692 919.252897 308.328021 87.23 70.73
Andhra Pradesh 24738068 24648731 34776389 14610410 160205 49386799 996.388683 308.272520 74.77 59.96
Odisha 21212136 20762082 34951234 6996124 155707 41974218 978.783183 269.571811 82.40 64.36
Telangana 17704078 17489900 21585313 13608665 114840 35193978 987.902335 306.460972 NaN NaN
Kerala 16027412 17378649 17445506 15932171 38863 33406061 1084.307872 859.585235 96.02 91.98
Jharkhand 16930315 16057819 25036946 7929292 79714 32988134 948.465460 413.831121 78.45 56.21
Assam 15939443 15266133 26780526 4388756 78438 31205576 957.758248 397.837477 78.81 67.27
Punjab 14639465 13103873 17316800 10387436 50362 27743338 895.106003 550.878400 81.48 71.34
Chhattisgarh 12832895 12712303 19603658 5936538 135191 25545198 990.602900 188.956351 81.45 60.59
Haryana 13494734 11856728 16531493 8821588 44212 25351462 878.618875 573.406813 85.38 66.77
Delhi 8887326 7800615 944727 12905780 1484 16687941 877.723513 11245.243261 91.03 80.93
Jammu and Kashmir 6640662 5900640 9134820 3414106 222236 12541302 888.562014 56.432360 87.26 86.23
Uttarakhand 5137773 4948519 7025583 3091169 53483 10086292 963.164196 188.588748 88.33 70.70
Himachal Pradesh 3481873 3382729 6167805 688704 55673 6864602 971.525670 123.302175 90.83 76.60
Tripura 1874376 1799541 2710051 960981 10486 3673917 960.074713 350.364009 92.18 83.15
Meghalaya 1491832 1475057 2368971 595036 22429 2966889 988.755436 132.279148 77.17 73.78
Manipur 1438687 1417107 1899624 822132 22327 2855794 985.000212 127.907645 86.49 73.17
Nagaland 1024649 953853 1406861 573741 16579 1978502 930.907072 119.337837 83.29 76.69
Goa 739140 719405 551414 906309 3702 1458545 973.300051 393.988385 92.81 81.84
Arunachal Pradesh 713912 669815 1069165 313446 83743 1383727 938.231883 16.523495 73.69 59.57
Puducherry 612511 635442 394341 850123 479 1247953 1037.437695 2605.329854 92.12 81.22
Mizoram 555339 541867 529037 561997 21081 1097206 975.740944 52.047151 93.72 89.40
Chandigarh 580663 474787 29004 1025682 114 1055450 817.663602 9258.333333 90.54 81.38
Sikkim 323070 287507 455962 151726 7096 610577 889.921689 86.045237 87.29 76.43
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 202871 177710 244411 135533 8249 380581 875.975374 46.136623 90.11 81.84
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 193760 149949 183024 159829 491 343709 773.890380 700.018330 86.46 65.93
Daman and Diu 150301 92946 60331 182580 112 243247 618.399079 2171.848214 91.48 79.59
Lakshadweep 33123 31350 14121 50308 32 64473 946.472240 2014.781250 96.11 88.25

We can see we have a problem: there's no literacy data in our table for the state of Telangana. If we want the total literacy rate for the whole of India, we cannot therefore simply take a population-weighted sum of the literacy columns:

In [13]:
weights = df['Male Population'] / df['Male Population'].sum()
(df['Male Literacy (%)'] * weights).sum()  # wrong

Instead, we need to form the weighted sum over only the population rows which are not null in the literacy column. This gives:

In [14]:
male_weights = df['Male Population'][df['Male Literacy (%)'].notnull()].sum()
total_male_literacy = (df['Male Literacy (%)'] * df['Male Population'] / male_weights).sum()
female_weights = df['Female Population'][df['Female Literacy (%)'].notnull()].sum()
total_female_literacy = (df['Female Literacy (%)'] * df['Female Population'] / female_weights).sum()
print('Total male literacy rate: {:.1f} %'.format(total_male_literacy))
print('Total female literacy rate: {:.1f} %'.format(total_female_literacy))
Total male literacy rate: 82.3 %
Total female literacy rate: 65.7 %

Comparison with per capita GDP

The Wikipedia page at provides a table of nominal GSDP (gross state domestic product) for the years since 2011.

Again, we'll start by taking a local copy:

In [15]:
url = ''
gdsp_filename = 'india-gdsp.html'
fetch_html(url, gdsp_filename)
Fetching HTML file from ...
Saving as html/india-gdsp.html ...
In [16]:
!ls -l $HTML_DIR
total 1288
-rw-r--r--  1 christian  staff  513046  2 Aug 14:10 india-demographics.html
-rw-r--r--  1 christian  staff  141104  2 Aug 14:10 india-gdsp.html
In [17]:
# NB missing values appear in the tables as '–'
gdsp_data = pd.read_html(os.path.join(HTML_DIR, gdsp_filename), na_values='–')
print(f'Read in {len(gdsp_data)} HTML tables.')
Read in 8 HTML tables.

More tidying:

In [18]:
gdf = gdsp_data[3]
gdf.set_index('State/Union territory', inplace=True) = 'State/UT'
gdf.drop('India', inplace=True)
gdf.dropna(axis='columns', inplace=True)
df['GSDP (₹ crore)'] = gdf.iloc[:,0]

A more useful measure would be the per capita GSDP:

In [19]:
df['GSDP per head (₹)'] = df['GSDP (₹ crore)'] / df['Population'] * 1.e7

Let's plot some statistics:

In [20]:
df.plot.scatter('Female Literacy (%)', 'GSDP per head (₹)')
df.plot.scatter('Sex Ratio', 'GSDP per head (₹)')
df.plot.scatter('Sex Ratio', 'Female Literacy (%)')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1191ad8d0>

Crime Rates

In [21]:
url = ''
crime_filename = 'india-crime.html'
fetch_html(url, crime_filename)
Fetching HTML file from ...
Saving as html/india-crime.html ...
In [22]:
crime_data = pd.read_html(os.path.join(HTML_DIR, crime_filename), na_values='–')
print(f'Read in {len(crime_data)} HTML tables.')
Read in 2 HTML tables.
In [23]:
cdf = crime_data[1]
cdf.set_index('State/UT', inplace=True)
df['Crime Rate'] = cdf['Rate of Cognizable Crimes (2016)']
In [24]:
df.plot.scatter('GSDP per head (₹)', 'Crime Rate')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1193b4cc0>

Fertility Rates

In [25]:
url = ''
fertility_filename = 'india-fertility.html'
fetch_html(url, fertility_filename)
Fetching HTML file from ...
Saving as html/india-fertility.html ...
In [26]:
fertility_data = pd.read_html(os.path.join(HTML_DIR, fertility_filename), na_values='-')
print(f'Read in {len(fertility_data)} HTML tables.')
Read in 2 HTML tables.

This one requires quite a bit of cleaning and sorting.

In [27]:
fdf = fertility_data[0].copy()
fdf.set_index('State/UT', inplace=True)
fdf.drop('India', inplace=True)
fdf.rename({'Andaman & Nicobar': 'Andaman and Nicobar Islands', 'Daman & Diu': 'Daman and Diu',
            'Puduchery': 'Puducherry', 'Dadra Nagar Haveli': 'Dadra and Nagar Haveli'}, inplace=True)
In [28]:
df['Fertility Rate'] = pd.to_numeric(fdf['Fertility rate 2009 [2]'].replace(r'\*', '', regex=True))
Male Population Female Population Rural Urban Area (km2) Population Sex Ratio Population density (km-2) Male Literacy (%) Female Literacy (%) GSDP (₹ crore) GSDP per head (₹) Crime Rate Fertility Rate
Uttar Pradesh 104480510 95331831 155111022 44470455 240928 199812341 912.436501 829.344622 79.24 59.26 724049.0 36236.450480 128.70 3.7
Maharashtra 58243056 54131277 61545441 50827531 307713 112374333 929.403103 365.192023 89.82 75.48 1280369.0 113937.850915 217.10 1.9
Bihar 54278157 49821295 92075028 11729609 94163 104099452 917.888480 1105.523953 73.39 53.33 247144.0 23741.143229 157.40 3.9
West Bengal 46809027 44467088 62213676 29134060 88752 91276115 949.968219 1028.440091 82.67 71.16 520485.0 57023.132503 188.20 1.9
Madhya Pradesh 37612306 35014503 52537899 20059666 308245 72626809 930.932100 235.613908 80.53 60.02 315561.0 43449.657825 337.90 3.3
Tamil Nadu 36137975 36009055 37189229 34949729 130058 72147030 996.432562 554.729659 86.81 73.86 751485.0 104160.212832 258.80 1.7
Rajasthan 35550997 32997440 51540236 17080776 342239 68548437 928.172000 200.294055 80.51 52.66 436465.0 63672.494823 246.20 3.3
Karnataka 30966657 30128640 37552529 23578175 191791 61095297 972.938086 318.551428 82.85 68.13 606010.0 99190.940998 237.20 1.9
Gujarat 31491260 28948432 34670817 25712811 196024 60439692 919.252897 308.328021 87.23 70.73 615606.0 101854.589199 233.20 2.5
Andhra Pradesh 24738068 24648731 34776389 14610410 160205 49386799 996.388683 308.272520 74.77 59.96 379402.0 76822.553330 206.40 1.8
Odisha 21212136 20762082 34951234 6996124 155707 41974218 978.783183 269.571811 82.40 64.36 230987.0 55030.685741 191.30 2.4
Telangana 17704078 17489900 21585313 13608665 114840 35193978 987.902335 306.460972 NaN NaN 359434.0 102129.404070 295.70 1.8
Kerala 16027412 17378649 17445506 15932171 38863 33406061 1084.307872 859.585235 96.02 91.98 364048.0 108976.631516 727.60 1.7
Jharkhand 16930315 16057819 25036946 7929292 79714 32988134 948.465460 413.831121 78.45 56.21 150918.0 45749.177568 120.40 3.2
Assam 15939443 15266133 26780526 4388756 78438 31205576 957.758248 397.837477 78.81 67.27 143175.0 45881.223279 313.90 2.6
Punjab 14639465 13103873 17316800 10387436 50362 27743338 895.106003 550.878400 81.48 71.34 266628.0 96105.234345 137.00 1.9
Chhattisgarh 12832895 12712303 19603658 5936538 135191 25545198 990.602900 188.956351 81.45 60.59 158074.0 61880.123223 211.70 3.0
Haryana 13494734 11856728 16531493 8821588 44212 25351462 878.618875 573.406813 85.38 66.77 297539.0 117365.617809 320.60 2.5
Delhi 8887326 7800615 944727 12905780 1484 16687941 877.723513 11245.243261 91.03 80.93 343767.0 205997.252747 974.90 1.9
Jammu and Kashmir 6640662 5900640 9134820 3414106 222236 12541302 888.562014 56.432360 87.26 86.23 78254.0 62397.030229 196.60 2.2
Uttarakhand 5137773 4948519 7025583 3091169 53483 10086292 963.164196 188.588748 88.33 70.70 115523.0 114534.657533 101.80 2.6
Himachal Pradesh 3481873 3382729 6167805 688704 55673 6864602 971.525670 123.302175 90.83 76.60 72720.0 105934.765045 188.10 1.9
Tripura 1874376 1799541 2710051 960981 10486 3673917 960.074713 350.364009 92.18 83.15 19208.0 52282.073874 102.40 1.7
Meghalaya 1491832 1475057 2368971 595036 22429 2966889 988.755436 132.279148 77.17 73.78 19918.0 67134.294542 120.90 3.1
Manipur 1438687 1417107 1899624 822132 22327 2855794 985.000212 127.907645 86.49 73.17 12915.0 45223.850180 121.90 1.5
Nagaland 1024649 953853 1406861 573741 16579 1978502 930.907072 119.337837 83.29 76.69 12176.0 61541.509688 57.60 2.0
Goa 739140 719405 551414 906309 3702 1458545 973.300051 393.988385 92.81 81.84 42367.0 290474.411143 135.60 1.6
Arunachal Pradesh 713912 669815 1069165 313446 83743 1383727 938.231883 16.523495 73.69 59.57 11063.0 79950.741729 192.30 2.7
Puducherry 612511 635442 394341 850123 479 1247953 1037.437695 2605.329854 92.12 81.22 16818.0 134764.690657 242.80 1.6
Mizoram 555339 541867 529037 561997 21081 1097206 975.740944 52.047151 93.72 89.40 7259.0 66158.952831 227.30 2.0
Chandigarh 580663 474787 29004 1025682 114 1055450 817.663602 9258.333333 90.54 81.38 18768.0 177819.887252 166.40 1.8
Sikkim 323070 287507 455962 151726 7096 610577 889.921689 86.045237 87.29 76.43 11165.0 182859.819482 124.47 2.1
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 202871 177710 244411 135533 8249 380581 875.975374 46.136623 90.11 81.84 3979.0 104550.673838 144.80 1.5
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 193760 149949 183024 159829 491 343709 773.890380 700.018330 86.46 65.93 NaN NaN 57.40 3.3
Daman and Diu 150301 92946 60331 182580 112 243247 618.399079 2171.848214 91.48 79.59 NaN NaN 81.10 1.9
Lakshadweep 33123 31350 14121 50308 32 64473 946.472240 2014.781250 96.11 88.25 NaN NaN NaN 2.1

Is there an (inverse) correlation between female literacy and ferility?

In [29]:
df['Female Literacy (%)'].corr(df['Fertility Rate'])
In [30]:
df.plot.scatter('Female Literacy (%)', 'Fertility Rate')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1194e40b8>

As expected, there is a strong anti-correlation of fertility rate with female literacy. Note: there is no reason to expect the relationship to be linear, however.