P8.2: Trouton's rule

The text file vap-data.txt, contains data for the boiling points, \(T_\mathrm{b}\), and enthalpies of vaporization, \(\Delta_\mathrm{vap}H\), for some liquids:

    Compound     Tb /K    DvapH /kJ.mol-1
    CH3Cl        247      21.5
    CH2CHCHCH2   268.6    22.47
    C2H5OH       351.39   38.7
    H2O          373.15   40.7
    CH4          111.7     8.17
    HCO2H        373.9    22.69
    CH3OH        337.8    35.21
    C8H18        398.7    34.41
    C6H5CH3      383.8    33.18

Read in these data and calculate the entropy of vaporization, \(\Delta_\mathrm{vap}S\), for each substance. Comment on any deviation from Trouton's rule (that, for many liquids, \(\Delta_\mathrm{vap}S \approx 85 \;\mathrm{J\,K^{-1}\,mol^{-1}}\).) Write another text file with these data, including a column for the entropy of vaporization.