Replacing NaN and infinite values in pandas

NaN entries can be replaced in a pandas Series with a specified value using the fillna method:

In [x]: ser1 = pd.Series({'b': 2, 'c': -5, 'd': 6.5}, index=list('abcd'))
In [x]: ser1                                                                  
a    NaN
b    2.0
c   -5.0
d    6.5
dtype: float64

In [x]: ser1.fillna(1, inplace=True)                                                        
In [x]: ser1
a    1.0
b    2.0
c   -5.0
d    6.5
dtype: float64

Infinities (represented by the floating-point inf value) can be replaced with the replace method, which takes a scalar or sequence of values and substitutes them with another, single value:

In [x]: ser2 = pd.Series([-3.4, 0, 0, 1], index=ser1.index)                      
In [x]: ser2                                                                  
a   -3.4
b    0.0
c    0.0
d    1.0
dtype: float64

In [x]: ser3 = ser1 / ser2                                                    
In [x]: ser3                                                                  
a   -0.294118
b         inf
c        -inf
d    6.500000
dtype: float64

In [x]: ser3.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], 0)                     
a   -0.294118
b    0.000000
c    0.000000
d    6.500000
dtype: float64

(Assuming NumPy has been imported with import numpy as np.)